About | Venia Design Ltd | Interior Design Company NZ
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An interior design company that understands that while trends may change, style endures.


Established in 2006, Venia Design Ltd is located in the award-winning Axis Building in Parnell, Auckland. We can meet with you here and explore our extensive library of products, or our team can travel to work with valued clientele across the entire country.

With projects currently underway in Queenstown, Auckland, Lake Taupo, and the Bay of Islands, we are ready to translate your design visions into reality – no matter the size and location of your project.

Offering residential and commercial clients a full-service interior and exterior design consultancy from colour palettes to complete project management, the Venia team embodies excellence from concept to completion.

Be it a room, a set of plans, an entire project or furniture procurement, Venia delivers effortlessly, with an approach encompassing bespoke requirements for both the residential and commercial market.

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The Vision

Our desire is always to exceed your expectations in terms of the design process, the experience of being part of a working project – and the end result.

We ensure every client has a seamless transition into their new space, where every detail has been taken care of and the completed work aligns with your concept and vision.

Through years of experience, our design management and project systems have been refined to ensure a thoughtful, professional service that always centres your requirements and speaks to your ideals.

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Our Founder


Jane’s foundation in interiors began with a boutique paint business mixing colour; this evolved into the facilitation of palettes, collaboration with institutions and galleries, and the formulation and design of marketing colour tools for residential and commercial clientele.

During this time, Jane moved to Australia and worked to facilitate interior design elements in brand development for both commercial office and retail fit-out spaces.

A move back to New Zealand in 2006 allowed past customers requiring design assistance to make contact, which was the catalyst for the establishment of Venia Design. Almost two decades later, Venia continues to provide full-service consultancy and project management for a wide range of clients.

Combining many years of practical knowledge and exceptional relationship-building skills, Jane works with various architects across the country on projects large and small, maintaining intergenerational connections with valued clientele.

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Design Consultant & Project Manager


Rosie has been with Venia since 2019, offering a hands-on approach to orchestrating every component across our projects. Combining a genuine love for design with formal training as an Interior Architect (B.Arch.IA), Rosie works diligently to provide tasteful contemporary solutions for every client.

Having worked with leading interior designers in Melbourne for two years, Rosie has valuable knowledge and skills and specialises in furniture design, procurement and positive customer relations.

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Our Collaborators


Over the years, we have nurtured, maintained and built relationships with architects, suppliers and tradespeople.

We have a stable of trusted collaborators that we can call on to ensure that your project always receives the best care and attention available, and we source our materials from notable makers and craftspeople.

Some of the respected names we work with are:

We are always pleased to connect with new architects, specialised suppliers and qualified tradespeople – and our team would love to meet with yours.

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